Fan fiction
2013.07.15. 12:30
"I’m sure there’s fanfiction out there with me and John Watson floating in space whilst handcuffed to a bed."
— Benedict Cumberbatch on Top Gear (via type40)
"John, there’s no need for you to be tetchy. This is not, in fact, my fault."
"Not your fault? Not your FAULT? Who was the idiot who broke into the secret space-project lab in Baskerville?"
"Mycroft hid the true nature of that project from me…"
"And who insisted that we challenge the interstellar Love Goddess to a contest of sexual prowess in order to escape?"
"I was counting on your Three Continents of experience, John."
"And who had NO PROBLEM accepting the scenario of both of us naked, handcuffed to a bed in the middle of their starship as we orbit Uranus?"
"To be fair, I didn’t know that was the name of a planet."
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