
broken pipe...tough... :(

Three years

2013.07.25. 00:44


Sherlock Holmes: Punch me in the face. John Watson: Punch you?

Sherlock Holmes: Yes, punch me, in the face. Didn't you hear me?

John Watson: I always hear "punch me in the face" when you're speaking, but it's usually subtext.

Sherlock Holmes: Oh, for God's sake! [He punches John in the face. John punches him back] Thank you John, that was - [John tackles Sherlock and grabs him in a chokehold] Okay, I think that's enough now.

John Watson: You want to remember, Sherlock, I was a soldier. I killed people!

Sherlock Holmes: You were a doctor!

John Watson: I had bad days!

I'm sorry, i've made this images early on and posted them already. I tried an online gif maker for  the first time. But i could upload this size only, so i didn't deleted the bigger ones bellow.

Preparing myself for Season3

2013.07.24. 18:18


Sherlock: Punch me in the face.

Preparing myself for Season3

2013.07.24. 18:15


Watson: Punch you?

Preparing myself for Season3

2013.07.24. 18:09


Watson: I always hear punch me in the face when you're speaking, but it's usually subtext.

Preparing myself for Season3

2013.07.24. 18:08


'Oh, god's shake!'

Preparing myself for Season3

2013.07.24. 18:06




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